We know how important it is for you to have access to warm, friendly and personal medical advice. Please obtain a business card from your doctor and find out about how to best access them for urgent and non-urgent matters.
If you have not received information from your doctor about how to obtain urgent medical advice, please call 1-700-507507 and ask for the physician on call. If you are still stuck, you may call Dr. Rosenbaum’s cell phone 24 hours at 054-2802823.
If you have a medical emergency please call Hatzala BaRama at 02-999-9992 or MDA at 100.
In order to schedule a visit online, access lab or strep results, or request refills of medications, you will need a username and password. If you do not have one, please call the secretary at 02-992-2727 to get one. Once you have a username and password, go to the Leumit Homepage and put in your username and password on the left hand side of the homepage.
To e-mail a question to your doctor (non-urgent), please write to:
- Dr. Efraim Rosenbaum: DrRosenbaum (at)
- Dr. Tamar Rosner: DrRosner (at)
- Dr. Tzipora Wolff: DrWolff (at)
- Dr. Malka Blass: DrBlass (at)
- Dr. Shoshana Gros: Sgros2 (at)
- Dr. Micha Halperin: DrHalperin (at)