About Leumit Ramat Beit Shemesh
Articles created by Leumit Ramat Beit Shemesh
Chicken Pox Symptoms
Varicella is one of the most common contagious diseases in children. It is caused by the virus varicella-zoster.
The symptoms of varicella include: fever, weakness, and after a few days-rash.
Fever- to Treat or not to Treat?
In general, fever is a normal, healthy response of the immune system to an infection in the body. The height of the fever itself is no indicator of the severity of the infection and fever itself is an important part of the body’s fight against the infection. It is important to note that fever itself, less than 41.7 degrees is not dangerous and does not cause any brain damage or other problems whatsoever. Because fever is an indicator of infection, it is important for the doctor to figure out what is the CAUSE of the fever and what is the severity of the infection, but again fever is a symptom of a infection and not a problem in and of itself.
Health Updates: July 2009
Some recent medical updates for our patients: 1. Recent data from a large federal study in the US, The Multimodal…
Sore Throats- Is it Strep?
INTRODUCTION — A sore throat (pharyngitis) is a common problem, and usually is caused by a viral or bacterial infection.…
PANDAS- Can Strep Cause Psychiatric Problems in Children?
In 1998 Dr. S. Swedo from the National Institute of Mental Health described another pediatric problem caused by step-Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. She described a group of patients who developed the psychiatric symptoms during or after a Strep infection. These children were all pre-pubertal and did not respond to the usual psychiatric medications. They all had extremely elevated levels of the anti-Strep antibody DNASE B. Some of them improved dramatically after treatment with antibiotics.
Menopausal hormone therapy alternatives
Author :Richard J Santen, MD Section Editor:Peter J Snyder, MD William F Crowley, Jr, MD Deputy Editor: Leah K Moynihan,…
Benefits of Exercise
Physical activity is any activity that involves major muscle groups, including routine daily activities such as shopping or climbing stairs. Exercise includes any activity done with a goal of improving or maintaining physical fitness.
Physical fitness can be described as the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without excessive fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursuits and meet unforeseen emergencies.
Understanding Antibiotics – Then and Now
Although antibiotics have been used for over 50 years, we are now just beginning to understand the impact of their use. Since everyone is affected by antibiotics, it is important that we all understand them.
Ear Problems 101- Infants and Children
During infancy and childhood, many problems can arise with the ears. Some, like ear tags and malformed outer ears, are purely cosmetic. Some are painful but usually not serious, like swimmer’s ear or otitis media. Some are painless but very serious, like congenital deafness. The following is an overview of the problems that can arise in children’s ears.
Prevent Accidents- Childproof your Home!
It is well known that more children die as a result of accidental injury than from all illnesses combined. Thirty years ago The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Safety Council proposed the concept of Childproofing to teach parents how to avoid injury around the house.. Most people know that they must try to make the environment in their home safe for their children. Electrical outlet covers and kinderlocks on cabinets have become standard in most households. There are, however, many more basic aspects of home safety that must be considered to effectively child proof a home. Here is a simple checklist.