Diet/Exercise/Nutrition Category
FATIGUE – one of the most common complaints I hear as a Primary Care Physician By Gabrielle Klein, MD Complaints…
Diet and health
HEALTHY DIET OVERVIEW — The food choices we make can have an important impact on our health. However, expert opinions about which and how much of these foods is best continues to change as new research is completed.
EXERCISE OVERVIEW — Physical activity is any activity that involves major muscle groups, including routine daily activities such as shopping or climbing stairs. Exercise includes any activity done with a goal of improving or maintaining physical fitness.
Osteoporosis prevention and treatment
OSTEOPOROSIS OVERVIEW — Osteoporosis is a common problem that causes bones to become abnormally thin (osteopenic), weakened, and easily broken (fractured). Women are at a higher risk for osteoporosis after menopause due to lower levels of estrogen, a female hormone that helps to maintain bone mass.
Matzot, White Potatoes and the Glycemic Index
Carbohydrates have been traditionally classified as simple (ie.sugars) or complex ( ie.starches) on the basis of the number of sugar molecules in their chemical structures. It had been assumed that complex carbohydrates cause smaller rises in blood glucose than simple carbohydrates.
Benefits of Exercise
Physical activity is any activity that involves major muscle groups, including routine daily activities such as shopping or climbing stairs. Exercise includes any activity done with a goal of improving or maintaining physical fitness.
Physical fitness can be described as the ability to carry out daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without excessive fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure time pursuits and meet unforeseen emergencies.