Health Supplements Category

July 28, 2009

Maintaining Strong Bones: The real story behind Calcium and Vitamin D

Keeping our bones strong and healthy is a big part of preventive health care for women. After all, osteoporotic fractures are a major cause of disability among postmenopausal women. Many women don’t realize that it is never too early in life to ensure that the bones remain strong. In fact, the younger we start building healthy bones, the better. Our bones become stronger and denser from the time of birth, until the age of 30. This is when we reach our “peak bone density”. During puberty, 50% of a woman’s bone calcium is laid down. From the age of 30 until menopause, the bone mass decreases, although very slowly. After menopause, if a woman is not taking hormones, the bone loss becomes more pronounced and she can run the risk of becoming ostoporotic.